If you have made it to my website, than more than likely you suffer daily with pain from a severely debilitating disease called Interstitial Cystitis.

I have this disease, and this is my story. 
**BEWARE: The beginning of this story is depressing and sad. 
But that is NOT my story. Keep reading.. My story is one of faith and courage.
Amy B., Utah

My journey with IC began in early 2005. I started having bladder infections quite frequently. Or so I thought they were bladder infections. One after another, my OBGYN get giving me antibiotics, the pain would go away, and then be back again in a week or so. I was getting depressed more and more as the days went by. Eventually I was told to see a urologist. The urologist did tests and had no answers. They tried putting me on a bladder control medication to see if that would help. It did not. I was then diagnosed at a follow-up appointment with Interstitial Cystitis. I had never heard of the disease before and had no idea that there was no cure for it. I was told to change my diet and the foods to avoid, basically anything that was acidic... which is pretty much everything. For weeks I tried this and lived every day with the horrible pain that kept me in the bathroom constantly and in deep depression. Changing the foods that I ate did not help with the pain. I remember sitting in the bathroom one night, crying in pain, and I thought to myself that I would rather die than live in that kind of pain. I prayed for hours asking for relief and for some kind of miracle. The next day I was given a blessing. In that blessing I was given strength and courage. I was told that somehow I would get through this test and that I would find a way to be healed. That night about 2 am I was on the computer reading through some other women's stories on a IC network website. I had just signed up with an account on the website. I received a private message from a woman named Chris who also suffered from IC and wanted to help me. She told me that she knew of a product that took the pain away and allowed her to live in a normal life. I was skeptical and first but asked her to send me some info on the product. She immediately emailed the information to me and I read through it for a few hours. I knew without a doubt that she was sent to me to help me. Even though I didn't know her, or whether or not the product would work for me, I immediately ordered it and awaited it's arrival in the mail. (The product I am referring to is called "Ambrotose", which is a glyconutrient and you can read about it on the page called "The Science.") I received the product in the mail a few days later and started taking it right away. It came in a powder form, which I would mix into juice or food twice a day. Within ONE week I was already started to feel relief... I know it sounds CRAZY, but it's true!! Within ONE month I was feeling 90% better!!!! I truly felt like a miracle had been given to me and I was SO grateful for God's tender mercy in my life. A few weeks later I found out that I was pregnant! I kept taking the powder the entire pregnancy and for 2 more years after that. For about 3 months after starting the powder, I would have days when I would feel bits of bladder pain (nothing too painful). At those times I would drink a large glass of water and would feel better. By the time I had my baby, I was completely pain free and have stayed that way since. I continue to take the powder every day to ensure I don't ever have to endure that pain again. There are many health benefits from the powder, not just for IC. (see "The Science" page for more info)

I am proof that God does work miracles and that there is always hope. If you have found this site by way of doing your own research on this disease, I hope you will read more about the product and view the research on the site. If you are interested in ordering from me or want more information, PLEASE contact me. I want to "pay it forward"!!!I hope that I can help someone find peace...